There’s nothing like a good board game. From the classic games or role-playing game we remember from our childhood to the latest strategy game that has become a recent favorite, board games have become staples in many households. We all know that there are better games than others, and we’re here to rank them all. While we haven’t ranked them from best to worst, we have compiled this list to reflect just which board games are better than the rest.
From the classics such as Monopoly to the newer games like ***, here are the 100 best board games of all time. Which one is your favorite?

Monopoly is one of those games that everyone knows. It’s a classic. It’s the definition of what a board game should be. Monopoly has stood the test of time and become a board game that stayed a favorite in households throughout the decades. Now, you can even buy Monopoly expansions and spin-offs related to subjects like Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead and so much more.


The classic mystery game Clue is one of the best games of all time, regardless of which version you have. The classic version is probably the best, though the offshoots of the game are still enjoyable (you can buy Clue versions of everything from Harry Potter to Star Wars). The main purpose of the game is to discover who killed the victim, with what weapon, and in what room. It’s a fun game to play with friends and family. Because of the way the game is made, there’s always a new victim and new scenario, making it a fun one that never gets old.


A recent board game that has become quite popular, Pandemic is a cooperative board game where you have to work together with your teammates to stop the pandemic that the world is facing. You can play as specialists, such as a researcher, a medic, or a scientist.
The Game of Life

Another classic game that will never get old, The Game of Life is iconic. The game is all about basically living out a life on the board, through college and careers and marriage. It’s a lot of fun and the person with the most points at the end of the game wins.

A newer, indie board game from the Czech Republic that has become a fan favorite in many households, Codenames is all about spies. The goal of the game is to make contact and find your team’s spies first. The whole game is complex, but loads of fun, proving that even newer indie board games can become classics fast.

Still probably the only game that can make people jump up scared time and time again, Operation is a classic board game where you have to successfully complete surgery on a patient very carefully without messing up. If you do, there’s a loud buzz! Make sure you don’t make the patient’s nose turn red or the buzzer go off!

A board game set in an alternate 1920s, this expansive and long game is great for the very patient board game lover. While playing Scythe, each player plays as a fallen leader of a faction that is attempting to regain their power and honor through various formats.

A great game for youngsters and adults alike, Sorry! is one of those games that truly never gets old. The goal of the game is to get to the end of the race on the board first, knocking out your opponents and saying “Sorry!” when need be.
Settlers of Catan

Catan is a great board game that now has many expansion packs to add to the thrill of the game, while also keeping it fresh and new. The goal of the game is to settle on an island, competing against the other players of the game. Who will become victorious?
Candy Land

The classic game Candy Land has been redone and renovated every few years, with new aspects added to the original game. While these newer versions are a whole lot of fun, there’s nothing better than the classic 60’s version. The game is great for children and families and will always be one of the best family games to play around.

Another more recent game than some of these classics, Dominion deals with cards more than anything. You are a monarch in the game, and the goal is to create a kingdom and dominion that is bigger than the one you started with. There are many expansions and added editions of this popular game, making for a great experience.
Guess Who?

The classic game from the ’80s has gone through many changes over the years, but the original is still the best. Guess Who? really is just a lot of fun. The goal of the game is to guess the mystery person on the other side of the board. It’s a game that many people remember from their childhood—and it’s still quite fun to play as an adult.
Small World

Introduced in 2009, Small World is another recent board game that is fantastic and now a fan favorite. The goal of this civilization game is to get control of the board that is full of the other player’s civilization. However, this civilization game is a bit different than your average one. In this game, there are fantasy races and special powers you can gain to make your civilization the best. The last one on the board is the winner! Just like other newer, popular games, Small World also has some great expansion packs and added gameplay, such as their fan favorite Small World: Realms Expansion.


Yet another classic game that has been revamped over the years, Risk seemed to be the start of intense, long board games becoming favorites. As anyone who has played Risk knows, the game can last a long time—and still be enjoyable. The game is all about military strategy; the person who takes over and defeats all the other players on the board is the winner. Now, you can even find Risk games associated with Star Wars, Captain America: Civil War, Doctor Who, and so much more.

Ticket to Ride

A game like no other, Ticket To Ride has risen quite quickly to become one of the best board games made in a while. Released in 2008, this board game is now at legendary status for one main reason: it’s fun. It’s also quite original. The goal of the game is to see who can travel to the most spots in North America in just seven days; the person who gets to the most places wins. Ticket to Ride also has some great expansions, such as Ticket To Ride - Europe, Ticket to Ride: The Heart of Africa, Ticket to Ride: United Kingdom, and so much more.


Oh, the classic Battleship. The game that started it all, including a movie based off of the game! Battleship will always be a favorite, no matter what. The goal of the game is to sink the other player’s battleships by guessing the coordinates (which you cannot see).

The classic Jenga game is possibly one of the most exciting games you can play. No matter how many times you play the game with your friends or family, it’s always new—and the excitement of feeling like the wooden tower might topple over is always thrilling. The goal of the game is to remove a wooden brick from near the middle or bottom of the Jenga tower without the whole thing toppling over. Once removed, you place the brick back at the top to continue building it.
Trivial Pursuit

The classic game that challenged literally everyone, Trivial Pursuit is a great game to play, mainly because it’s always a difficult one to win. With almost 2,500 trivia questions, the game seems to always be new and fresh with questions to answer. It’s a classic—and it’s a lot of fun.

Twister: the game that always ends up in laughs and everyone crumbled on the floor. Twister has had quite the reinvention over the years, with various expansions cropping up, as well as the game itself adapting quite well with technology. However, there’s nothing like the classic one. The last person left standing upright (or at least how they’re supposed to) on the mat is the winner!
Cards Against Humanity

More of a cards game than something you play on a board, Cards Against Humanity has become the go-to game for adults. It’s inappropriate, it’s dirty, and it’s fun. The goal is to just make people laugh as much as possible. And boy, will you laugh. You’ll laugh so much you’ll probably buy all the extra card decks and expansion packs without even realizing it.

Yahtzee is still the ultimate game to play, no matter what. It’s classic, it’s great, and it’s always fun, no matter who you play it with. Whether you’re going to play with one other person or with a group, Yahtzee is a great game to go to.

A new board game in 2018, Noria is fun and incredibly unique. The design is original and fantastic, making the whole experience feel like you’ve never even played a board game like it before. By combining both sci-fi and steampunk, the goal of the game is to help guide your trading empire and win the game.

Scrabble is one of those games that is impossible to win each and every time. It’s always new, no matter what. You never know where the game will lead you—and that’s the fun of it! The goal of the game is to form words (the harder the better) and how you place the words on the board can get you more points! This classic game is just so much fun to play.

Oh, the classic Pictionary. Before it was a game celebrities played on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Pictionary was a game you played around the table with friends and family, laughing at how horrible the drawings were. And it still is a classic game, whether you love it or hate it. To play the game, you draw a card with a word or phrase on it. You then have to draw what is on the card to help your teammates guess it! The team with the most points wins!
Chutes and Ladders

Another classic board game that never gets old, Chutes and Ladders has gone through its fair share of changes over the years. While we always think the original is the best version there is, the newer versions of this board game can be much easier and better to play with if you’re playing with children. But nothing truly beats the original, does it?
Century Eastern Wonders

Another great game that was made in 2018, this soon to be classic board game is full of adventure and originality. Century Eastern Wonders is the newest addition to the Century games from Plan B Games. In the game, you play as merchants looking to make your career and business blossom in the Indonesian islands. It’s a lot of fun, and if you like the Century games already, you really have to get this one.
5 Second Rule

Anytime you have a game where you’re timed is fun and tends to make for hysterical situations. 5 Second Rule is absolutely no different. The objective of the game is to draw a card, set the timer for five seconds, and then say three things that are related to the topic on the card that you drew. It’s fun and always ends in laughs, making this newer game a family classic to play after dinner or on the weekends.

Another new game that is a family classic, HeadBanz also always tends to end up in laughter around the table. The goal of the game is to guess what card is on your head by asking questions to the others playing with you. The game is hysterical and great to play with families and children, making it a new classic quite fast.