You are thinking of taking your pool playing game to the next level and so you need to know which bumper pool table to buy to help you achieve your goal. For you to make a wise decision, it is better for you to seek answers from other people who might be experts on telling you which bumper boards to use if you want to excel in the game on your own or with friends. In addition, you can check out some best bumper pool table reviews 2017 to get the latest news on which pool tables are trending without having to fork out real money for a table to play the ultimate game in your game room.
1. The Atomic Classic Bumper Pool Table

The Atomic Classic Bumper pool table is an ideal playing board for young adults and kids. The game table’s measurements are about 57.5 inches in length with a width of 41.5 inches wide. The awesome features like well-made cushion rubber rails, the product has given the Atomic the right to be the number one pool board to own in 2017.
- Easy assembly and pull down
Atomic Classic is a pool board that is easy for you to assemble and pulls down when not in use. It takes an hour or less for you to assemble and you will take even less time to disassemble it.
- Durable
The entire board is made from sturdy material including durable medium-density fireboard and has a strong finishing touch of wood grain laminate and well-made pockets to complement its outstanding quality. This pool board is designed to last for a long time so you can forget about changing it anytime soon.
- Stylish
Unlike other playing boards that have a rugged look; Atomic tables are made to catch the eye of professional pool players with its stylish looks. Therefore, you will have style and great functionality every day you play bumper pool or billiards on your pool table.
2. Slate Bumper Pool Table

The Slate Bumper pool table is another top-ranked board to look out for in 2017. It makes a great addition to the family and you can spend quality time with your loved ones at home playing on it instead of going to the club or bar to play pool or billiards. The features of this item are remarkable and you will be sure to get value for your money if you decide to buy it.
- Fully assembled table
The Slate Bumper pool table comes as a fully assembled item. All you have to do is just to attach the legs and bingo, you can play all day or night on it.
- Good playing dimensions
For you to get great playing time out of the board, the manufacturers gave it a playfield dimension of 30 inches in length by 45 inches in width. Having such playfield dimensions to practice on along with quality cushions will give you enough preparation to take on the real professionals of the game in the soon coming future.
- Full playing equipment
For your total money’s worth, you are given the company’s full playing equipment after you make your purchase of the slate. The fully-loaded playing equipment carries chalk, a brush, sets of 10 balls and two cues that measure around 48 inches each.
3. Valley Tiger Cat Bumper Pool Table

The Valley Tiger Cat Bumper pool table is an item that remains unbeatable where professionalism is concerned. It is a formidable playing companion to have at home or work and you can have it to use throughout 2017 and beyond. Although it carries a big price tag, it is still well worth your time and money. It is a well-made bumper pool table that will serve you for many years to come.
- Great ball return
Instead of digging for your own ball, the ball return feature will make it easier for you to get your ball. This makes your pool playing time easier and more enjoyable.
- Powerful legs and leverages
The pool table’s legs are powerful enough to keep it standing up for many years. In addition, the leverages will give you floor balancing so you can enjoy your game without losing your footing.
- Great commercial use
Your Valley Tiger table for pool playing is designed to take the commercial market by storm. Its ¾ inches slate bed, contoured rubber cushions, hardwood rails and the green billiard covering are all designed to give it that outstanding look that only belongs to professionally made items.
4. Playcraft Hartford Slate Black Bumper Pool Table

The Playcraft Hartford Slate Black Bumper pool table is a uniquely designed pool playing table made only for the savvy player like you. It is made just like a professional pool playing board that any top player would want to compete on. Although it is made mainly for adults to use, if you have kids who are tall enough and want to try their hand at the game, they too can use it.
- Fully equipped for playing
The table comes with all its necessary equipment for playing purpose. Having the equipment at your disposal ensures that you get full playtime in the game.
- Durability
The materials used for building Playcraft pool table are dependable and will not easily break. Construction materials include powerful MDF and sturdy plywood to round off its durability feature.
- Other features
To round off the features section, the manufacturers also give their creation a gray and black laminate covering cloth, set of 10 2 1/18 balls chalk, brush, slate playing area, and other functionalities. Your time playing on this pool board will be well spent and you can grow your skill sets as well.
5. Hathaway Renegade Bumper Pool Table

If you want a pool table that is genuinely made to provide the best playing surface then Hathaway Renegade Bumper pool table is your choice for the taking. This awesome pool accessory comes with everything you might need to make your games enjoyable ones. It is made to please and so you can depend on it to do its job of providing a luxurious playing surface that the entire family can enjoy.
- Great slate playing bed
The slate play bed has a genuine green cloth covering that is of high-grade material. The color and material of the cloth are designed to complement the rest of the table and you can be sure to be playing on an exquisite surface.
- Powerful steel posts
The steel posts are covered with chrome material that makes then difficult to break. Your pool playing will be done on a table that is built with durability in mind.
- Carpeted ball return system
The ball return system is fully carpeted to give you the maximum comfort you deserve when retrieving your balls. You could not ask for a better ball system than what the Hathaway Renegade provides.
Since you need a quality table that can give you the best pool playing experience, you should take a look at the best bumper pool table reviews 2017 that will tell you which brand tables are doing well on the market. Once you become knowledgeable about which pool table is trending and getting great reviews, you should go for it. Using a table that is genuinely fitted with all the accessories you need to get your game off to a good start will put you in a leading position ahead of other competitors out there.