How do you choose the right pool chalk? This might not seem like such an important thing to think about if you’re not much of a pool player, but any professional billiards player will tell you that the right pool chalk can make or break your game. Those of you who aren’t regular pool players might not even know that pool chalk comes in all sorts of varieties, but you’d be surprised! There are lots of things to factor in when playing pool and choosing the right equipment and accessories will help improve your technique and gameplay.
Why do you chalk a pool stick? Basically, putting chalk on a pool stick adds friction, preventing the cue from sliding and ruining the shot. Chalk also provides friction and cover for cue tips which are worn and smooth from use. Chalking your cue also gives you time to focus and concentrate inbetween shots. Most players will chalk up after every other shot, but how often they do it depends entirely on them.
Pool cue chalk comes in different selections, sizes, and quality. The chalk that you choose depends on your level of expertise and how often you play pool. This handy guide will walk you through some of the best pool cue chalk on the market and will weigh up the pros and cons of each selection to help you decide which chalk you should go for.
Master Chalk

Master Cue Chalk is one of the most popular brands of chalk because it is used in most game rooms and bars. The chalk comes in a storage box that holds 12 cubes and comes in various different colors. Professional players prefer using Master Chalk on cues with leather tips as it provides a smooth coating and reduces the possibility of any miscues. What’s unique about this chalk is that it comes in several different colors and is generally softer than other chalks.
Blue Diamond Billiard Chalk

Blue Diamond Billiard Chalk comes in a box with two blue cubes. This chalk is well known for its water retention, which gives your cue a much longer playing time. What does this mean, exactly? If the chalk remains on your cue longer, you do not have to take the time to continue chalking in between shots. This saves you time and also makes your chalk last longer so that you don’t have to keep replacing it.
Blue Diamond Billiard Chalk is cheap, but despite its relatively low cost, you really get the value out of your money with this pick. This chalk is much less messy on pool table felt than other chalk and it also significantly reduces the possibility of miscuing. One thing you might want to take into consideration with this chalk is that it has very fine grain, which means that your hands can get chalky if not handled with care.
Predator Cue Chalk

Predator Cue Chalk is top-of-the-line chalk that provides accuracy, precision, and consistency. It is most well-known for its ability to produce spin on a ball. Predator chalk does not stain felt and also lasts quite long on cues so that you don’t have to constantly re-apply. This chalk is durable and well worth the money and has a convenient octagon shape which makes applying the chalk on the cue easy. Predator chalk is top quality chalk with a long lifespan and is also fairly priced.
Silver Cup Chalk

This set of pool chalk comes in a box of 12 cubes and is designed for both commercial and home use. This chalk is generally used by professional pool players. The chalk that comes in this set is compact and dry and doesn’t crumble like other pool chalks often do. The chalk stays on the tip of your cue and has a smooth, even coating. This set of chalk comes available in two colors: blue and green, which means you can match your chalk to your felt. Silver Cup chalk is professional-grade chalk. It holds together extremely well and is also durable and hard. You won’t have to worry about crumbling with this quality chalk set.
Kamui Pool Chalk

Kamui pool chalk is a more expensive, luxurious brand of chalk that is well worth the money. Considered to be the leading chalk in the market and made in Japan, Kamui chalk is constantly improving their techniques to provide pool players with the best playing experience possible.
Kamui chalk has a long lifespan on cues and is specifically designed to maximize friction, increasing the spin on a cue ball. Because Kamui chalk is designed to help maximize friction, any possibility of slipping, deflection or miscues is significantly reduced.
Kamui chalk sticks very well to tips, meaning that you will not need to chalk your cue as frequently. Although this pool chalk is more expensive than traditional pool chalk, it is a great investment for a professional or regular pool player because of its amazing quality.
The Right Chalk for You
Pool chalk is used to add friction between the cue ball and the tip of the stick, resulting in an accurate, clean hit. When players don’t chalk their cue, it can result in a pretty nasty miscue. As cues age and tips become smoother, chalk becomes more and more important. The type of chalk you purchase will depend entirely on what you are looking for and your level of expertise. If you are a regular pool player or play in a professional or tournament league, we recommend that you go for one of the more expensive, high-quality chalks. If you purchase a cheap chalk, you are more likely to miscue, and your precision and accuracy will not be on point. If accuracy and precision are not that important to you, you might want to purchase chalk that is more affordable. It all depends on the level of gameplay you desire and how serious you are about pool.