Though there are many great table games for your game room, such as pool tables, foosball tables, and table tennis or ping pong tables so many people still love the fast and furious air hockey game to get the adrenaline going. The air hockey game can be a whole lot of fun for everyone in the family if you have a great table to play on. But how do you know if you’ve got the right table at all? Well, this Easton air hockey table review is going to help you out because it’s going to introduce you to one of the best air hockey tables available with its beautiful high gloss laminate play surface and fantastic electronic score system. You’ll definitely be able to find what you’re looking for and you won’t have to worry about doing a lot of the research yourself. We’ve already done it all.
Easton 8’ Air Hockey Table
If you want a table that’s going to be 100% ready to go then you definitely want to check out the Easton 8’ Air Hockey Table by Playcraft.

- 90” x 48” x 32”
- 265 lb
- Infrared electronic scorer
- Ping pong conversion top
- Cabinet grade plywood
- Tongue and groove joints
- 10, 20, or 30-minute periods and overtime
- Manual scoring system included
- Industrial grade blower
- Hard mica, high-gloss laminate top
- 3,500 air holes
- 2” side rails faced with aluminum
- 6” adjustable foot levers
- Includes all accessories
Results You Can Expect

If you’re looking for a high-quality air hockey table you’re definitely not going to get much better than this one. It’s made with all high-quality materials so it’s ready to go and ready to stand up to anything and everything that you might need. What’s even better, is that you’re going to have no problem getting a great experience because this table has a little bit of everything. It can score everything for you with the electronic system but you’re also able to do your own scoring if you prefer.
Even better, there’s a system to set up time periods as needed and you get plenty of air holes to keep the puck gliding just as smoothly as you need. The whole system is made durable so it’s going to last a long time, but you won’t have a problem moving it when you need to (though it is going to be a little bit heavy). You get a decent warranty to go along with everything else and you can keep playing for as long as you want with no problems because it lets you go into overtime as well as free play.
People who have used this air hockey table in the past love the way that it works and how easy it is to get used to. You’ll definitely have a great game that is just like anything else you’ve experienced when playing at a friend’s house, a bar, or anywhere else. It’s a little bit expensive, but users say that it’s definitely worth the amount of money that they spent on it and it definitely seems to work quite well for an extended period of time. Users also love the stability of the unit.
This unit definitely has some good reviews and seems to be a great choice when it comes to an air hockey table for a basement or anywhere else. It works quite well and it’s easy to get set up and ready to go. Once you’ve got it there you don’t have any problem keeping it stable and sturdy. You also won’t have to worry about the air that you need to play properly because you’re going to have everything that you need with no problems. You’ll be able to play for an extended period of time.
What to Watch For
If you are looking at purchasing this table you’ll want to take a look at the price for one thing. It is quite expensive for those that want a game table they can use once in a while. If you’re going to be only using the table occasionally you’ll spend a decent amount that might not justify what you’re going to do with it. You will also want to make sure that you have plenty of space for the table because it is quite large. This is great for playing the game because it’s similar to other tables you’ll find, but it’s important to gauge what space you have in the room.
Another important thing to watch out for with this table is the puck. You want to make sure there are no burrs on the underside of the pucks which can cause problems for your table if you’re not careful. Keep an eye on the pucks and if they start to become worn you may want to replace them or file off the sharp edges. You want to make sure the pucks aren’t going to scratch or otherwise damage your table because it’s not going to last as long if you don’t.
Ready to Buy?
If you’re ready to pick up this table for yourself you’re definitely going to want to get it through Amazon. You’ll be able to get a great price and you won’t have to worry about shipping because it’s going to be entirely free whether you have Amazon Prime or not. You can set up the shipping to be there when you want it and you’ll be able to get everything taken care of yourself right off the bat. You may want to consider having it installed for you as it is quite heavy, but this isn’t a requirement and isn’t standard with the unit.
Wrapping it Up
No matter what you think you want in your basement you definitely want to consider getting this air hockey table. It’s going to be a whole lot of fun and it’s going to help you and everyone you know enjoy yourselves a whole lot more. You won’t have to worry about it moving or anything breaking down because it’s made with high-quality materials that will help you keep playing as long as you want. This air hockey table or any other air hockey table is going to be a great addition to your household and for anyone you might want to play against as well.