Have you been considering a table top pool table or billiards table that can slip right on top of the dining table or similar? If you have then you definitely want to get a little more information on just how much one costs. That’s how you’re going to know what you need to save up and just how you’re going to get a great pool table that you can use anywhere you want, instead of something you need a whole lot of extra space in order to use. Consider this pool table review we have provided here before you decide to go out and purchase your next table.
Choosing Your Table Size
There are many different pool tables and billiards tables available, and can vary in price considerably depending on the quality of the balls, pockets and cushions, the cloth, whether it is a slate pool table, solid wood, medium-density fiberboard, or MDF particle board, as well as all the other materials required. However, the first thing you need to consider is the size of the table you require. Just like when playing table tennis tables (ping pong tables), foosball tables and snooker tables, size matters. If you’re looking at playing on a pool table but don’t really know what size you want you should consider full size and standing tables, as well as a table top one. A full-size table is going to be about 9’ x 4.5’ when it comes to ‘regulation’ but this can vary greatly depending on different locations as well. In general, a pool table should be 2x as long as it is wide. This matters more than the actual dimensions themselves. When it comes to a smaller table you’re going to have less flexibility about movement, but you will be able to get used the table a little better if you’re new.
A table top table is definitely going to be a lot smaller. So, if you’re looking to play just for fun rather than as a competitor you may enjoy this type of table. The table will likely be much less than 6’ long (sometimes as short as 4’) and will be smaller across as well. You may still be able to get the normal 2-to-1 ratio that you need with a standard table, but this isn’t always guaranteed.
Choosing a Table Type
Pool tables can be made with a number of different materials and when it comes to a table top one you’re going to have even more options in this regard. That’s because a full-size table is generally made with some type of wood in order to support the full weight of the table and possibly a player on top of it (for more skilled shots during a competition). A table top table is not required to do this and that means you may not have a table made of wood at all.
A wood table will generally be more expensive than one that’s made of any type of composite material, so you’ll want to take a look at this if you’re considering price in the equation. If you don’t have a lot of extra money to spend, something made out of plastic or some type of composite could be a way to save some money and the table won’t require as much care as one made with wood. If you want something that’s going to look a little nicer and closer to the standard you may want to consider one that’s made of wood after all.
Designing Your Table
A table top table may not have as many options as the one you stand up in your basement or game room, but it can still have a few different features. If you want something that’s going to look elegant and stylish then wood is great because you can usually get carvings and accents throughout. If you’re looking to save money, however, you can still find some great options for decoration on a plastic or composite table as well, usually in the form of the sticker decals that are put on the sides of the unit.
The Cost of Your Table
Just how much is that table top table going to cost? It’s one of the most important things to most people who want this type of unit. After all, one of the biggest benefits of a table top table is that it’s going to cost a whole lot less than you would usually pay for something that stands on its own. That doesn’t mean it’s always going to be really cheap, however. You can spend a higher amount on a table top table if you want something really high quality as well.
With a good quality table you could spend less than $100 or with an inexpensive option, you could spend less than $50. It really all comes down to how much you want to spend and just what type of quality you’re looking for. It’s also going to come down to the type of pool table that you want. Some tabletop tables are a little larger while others are considered miniature tables and are designed as a toy for small children. These smaller tables are going to be less than $50 while ones that adults may be more inclined to play could be a bit more.
Wrapping it Up
So, just what are you looking for when it comes to a tabletop table? Are you looking for something that the entire family is going to want to play on? Are you looking for something that will allow you to just sit back and watch the kids play? What you’re really considering is going to play a big part in how much your table is going to cost and even how much you might be willing to spend on that table. It’s all going to depend on you and your family, after all.
When you’ve made up your mind what you’re looking for and who you’re looking for it for you’re going to be ready to pick out the ideal table. You’ll also be able to save a bit of money at the same time, which is great. But you’ll be able to get something that’s good quality and will last as long as you want. Plus, that table is going to be a whole lot easier to get out and put away whenever you want, without having to worry about it being too heavy to move. Just pick it up and slide it out of the way, wherever you want.